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Our Rottweilers

Arya has always been very intellectual and curious. . She crate trained very quickly and really enjoys having her own space. As a puppy she would "pout" and go sit in corners if she got tired of playing or during training sessions.  Socialized from an early age, she has wonderful protective instincts that are balanced out with a natural love for people and other animals. She is bred from a local breeder in the plains. Her dad is from Macedonia and she resembles him quite a bit. She is on the shorter side with her back reaching about 24 inches but is very stocky with the typical blockhead you would expect with her bloodlines. Her coloring is perfect per AKC standards, we even considered showing her for a bit. When you talk to her she maintains eye contact and will cock her head to one side as she listens to the words set out for her. She enjoys roaming the fence line and trying to play with the dogs on the other side. Her favorite toys/activity is to play fetch with a tennis ball and tug a war with the rope toy.

About our Rotties: About


Atlas Rex Vom Haus Bear

Atlas is a very loving, energetic and playful dog. I sometimes think he resembles a gazelle as he leaps and bounds thorough the yard. He considers himself a lap dog, and prefers to sleep at your feet or even in your bed (even thought that is not allowed). He loves our oldest daughter and has eyes only for her when she is around. He is very very food motivated which makes training very easy. As soon as he realizes he gets a treat for a certain behavior, it sticks. Atlas loves any and all toys and enjoys playing fetch as well. He is known for stealing clothes or towels and hiding them in his kennel to sleep with. He is on the taller side at 30 inches tall. 

About our Rotties: About Us
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